Friday, October 1, 2010

Abigail and Bethany's First Day of Preschool

How did this happen? How did the time go by so fast?! Abigail and Bethany are going to preschool at Ferry Farm Baptist Church this year. Abigail is going 2 days a week and Bethany is going one day a week. They each got the own lunch boxes and back packs. I even took them to the store to get new school clothes. They look like such grown up little girls! They were excited to see a little girl that Abigail knows from Sunday School at Spotswood Baptist Church, Natalie. Her mom is also in our ABF class. The best moment was when we were dropping Bethany off at her room, Abigail, said, "Wait!" and ran back to give Bethany a hug and kiss and told her, "love ya, gonna miss ya" So precious! When I went to pick Abigail up at the end of the day, she was crying. I thought something was really wrong. Turns out she just didn't want to leave. Lots of kids were crying when their parents dropped them off, mine was the only one crying when it was time to pick her up :)

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